Multilingual Coarse Political Stance Classification of Media: Distribution of Topics per Newspaper

19 May 2024

This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DEED license.


(1) Cristina España-Bonet, DFKI GmbH, Saarland Informatics Campus.

C. Distribution of Topics per Newspaper

Table 7: Number of articles per newspaper (row) and topic (column) for the German subset of OSCAR. See Table 5 for the definition of the topics. Topics boldfaced and in blue are used for training the classifier after balancing L vs R.

Table 8: Number of articles per newspaper (row) and topic (column) for the English subset of OSCAR. See Table 4 for the definition of the topics. Topics boldfaced and in blue are used for training the classifier after balancing L vs R.

Table 9: Number of articles per newspaper (row) and topic (column) for the Spanish subset of OSCAR. See Table 6 for the definition of the topics. Topics boldfaced and in blue are used for training the classifier after balancing L vs R.